Koolhaus Copyright Policy
June 24, 2021
countries, including such as in the USA which includes The Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (“DMCA”) or similar provide recourse to copyright owners who
believe that their rights under the respective countries' Copyright Act have
been infringed by acts of third parties over the Internet.
If you
believe that your copyrighted work has been copied, reproduced, displayed,
duplicated, performed, distributed, or otherwise infringed without your
authorization and is available on the Service or in a Koolhaus game in a way
that may constitute copyright infringement, you may provide notice of your
claim to Koolhaus’ Designated Agent listed below.
For your
notice to be effective, it must include the following information:
Designated Agent is:
Koolhaus Games
Intellectual Property Counsel, Legal Department
P.O. Box
5087 VMPO
B.C. Canada V6B 4A9
Email: corporate@koolhausgames.com
You will
be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent
any of your claims.